Israelitischer Kinderfreund

Type of book:
Type of book
Full title of book: 
Israelitischer Kinderfreund [Ankündigung] / L'Ami des enfans d'Israël / מודע לילדי בני ישראל
Title of the book in Latin characters: 
Israelitischer Kinderfreund [Ankündigung] / L'Ami des enfans d'Israël / Modaʿ le-yalde bene Yisraʾel
Text is presented as original: 
Publisher/ Printing press
Name of publisher: 
Year of publication as it appears in the book: 
Hebrew year of publication as it appears in the book: 
Gregorian year of publication as it appears in the book: 
Place of publication as it appears in the book: 
Format of date: 
Price of book as it appears in the book: 
3 Reichsthaler

Vertrieb auch über die "Gesellschaft des Guten und Edlen".

למחיר הספר:

3 Reichsthaler, bei Abnahme großer Stückzahlen Rabatt: "Schulen, welche eine Anzahl Exemplare bestellen, erhalten einen angemessenen Rabat. Auf 3 Hefte, von circa 36 Bogen in gr. 8, wird mit 2 Rthlr. Preuß. Cour., das ist, à Heft 16 Gr., pränumeriert.

Book structure
Number of languages: 
Languages in book: 
Alignment of text: 
Is there a preface? 
Is there an epilogue? 
Is there a table of contents? 
Number of pages in the book: 
8 S.
Are there illustrations/diagrams? 
Persons mentioned in book
Are there rabbinical approbations? 
Are there recommendations? 
Are there dedications? 
Are there thanks? 
Is there an appeal to sell subscriptions? 
Is there a list of subscribers? 
Is there a list of printers? 
Is there a list of proofreaders? 
Is there a list of the book's funders? 
Is there a list of the book's sellers? 
People mentioned in the book
Hebrew Name: 
Abraham Moses
German Name: 
Abraham Moses
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Berend, S. L.
German Name: 
Berend, S. L. (Landesältester)
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
German Name: 
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Direktion der Kaufmännischen Ressource
German Name: 
Direktion der Kaufmännischen Ressource
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
German Name: 
Dohm (Syndicus)
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
German Name: 
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
German Name: 
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
German Name: 
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
German Name: 
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Fränkel, Moses S.
German Name: 
Fränkel, Moses S.
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Friedländer, H. N.
German Name: 
Friedländer, H. N. (Buchhändler)
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Gans, Salomon
German Name: 
Gans, Salomon
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
German Name: 
Geisenheimer (Vorsteher des Philantropins)
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Gesellschaft der Freunde
German Name: 
Gesellschaft der Freunde
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Gumpel, L.
German Name: 
Gumpel, L.
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
German Name: 
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Herford, Joel
German Name: 
Herford, Joel
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
German Name: 
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Hirsch, D. Z.
German Name: 
Hirsch, D. Z.
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Hirsch, Joseph
German Name: 
Hirsch, Joseph
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
German Name: 
Itzig (Landesältester)
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
German Name: 
Itzig (Oberkantor)
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Itzig, Jacob
German Name: 
Itzig, Jacob
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Jacob, Abraham
German Name: 
Jacob, Abraham
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Jacobys Buchhandlung
German Name: 
Jacobys Buchhandlung
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Joseph, Victor
German Name: 
Joseph, Victor
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Jospeh Baruch Haim
German Name: 
Jospeh Baruch Haim
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Konsistorium der Israeliten
German Name: 
Konsistorium der Israeliten
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Lepoc, Jonas
German Name: 
Lepoc, Jonas
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
German Name: 
Levy (Ältester der israelitischen Gemeinde)
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Levysohn, Hartog
German Name: 
Levysohn, Hartog
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Löser, Wolff
German Name: 
Löser, Wolff
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Löwenstein, N. J.
German Name: 
Löwenstein, N. J.
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
German Name: 
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Marcus, Tobias
German Name: 
Marcus, Tobias
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Marks, J.
German Name: 
Marks, J.
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Mendel, Joachim
German Name: 
Mendel, Joachim
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
German Name: 
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Museum des Herrn Werkmeister
German Name: 
Museum des Herrn Werkmeister
Description of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
German Name: 
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
German Name: 
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
German Name: 
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Redaktion der "Sulamith"
German Name: 
Redaktion der "Sulamith"
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Reiß, B.
German Name: 
Reiß, B.
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Salomon, E.
German Name: 
Salomon, E.
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Samuel Levin Isaac
German Name: 
Samuel Levin Isaac
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
German Name: 
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Silberstein, Philip
German Name: 
Silberstein, Philip
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
German Name: 
Sommershausen (Direktor der Erziehungsanstalt)
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Susmann, Meier
German Name: 
Susmann, Meier
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Waisenhaus in Berlin und Halle
German Name: 
Waisenhaus in Berlin und Halle
Description of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Wittersheim d. Ä.
German Name: 
Wittersheim d. Ä.
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
German Name: 
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
Zirndorffer, Isaac
German Name: 
Zirndorffer, Isaac
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
היינמן, ירמיה
German Name: 
Heinemann, Jermias
Description of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
ייטלש, יגנץ
German Name: 
Jeitteles, Ignaz
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
מיכעל קאסקעל
German Name: 
Kaskel, Michel
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
נוימן, ישראל משה
German Name: 
Neumann, Israel Moses (Inspektor und Oberlehrer)
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Hebrew Name: 
פרנקל, דוד
German Name: 
Fränkel, David
Description of mentionee: 
Location city of mentionee: 
Textual models
Secondary textual models: 
Target audience
Target audience
Target audience as described in the book: 
References and bibliography
Copy of book used: 

UB Rostock: CIc-368.4a

Book producers
Role(s) in book creation: 